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Educative Proposal

Inglés > Educative Proposal

Suzuki Piano School is founded with the purpose of giving its students the possibility of enriching their lives through music. Taking into account the educational pillars of the basis of Shinichi Suzuki´s Pedagogical Phylosophy, the school´s purpose is to develop the musical abilities of its students from en early age, and at the same time offer them from the musical occupation, those tools which may contribute to their integral development as human beings.
Suzuki Piano School has built its educative proposal in two Principal Areas:
Early Musical Stimulation (for children from 0 to 3 years of age) and Instrument: Piano (for children as from 3 years of age). Between both there is an intermediate area or of transition: Pre-Instrument or Pre-Piano (lasting 6 months) its aim is the way from Early Musical Stimulation towards the performance of the Instrument which is carried out gradually and pleasantly for children. These areas are therefore articulated with regard to their contents, because each one represents a preparatory stage for the following. Nevertheless, said areas are likewise independent, because they offer the child de possibility of starting the musical learning in any of them, according to age.

Like an integral piano school, Suzuki Piano School presents a pioneer proposal:
The program is arranged in three articulated levels (Early Musical Stimulation - Pre-instrumental - Instrumental), being theTeacher who guides the child throughevery step, in this waytotal pursuit of the student since early age andstrengthening the learning triangle composed of child, parents and teacher.

To include in the educational proposal other methodologies: KODALY METHOD (learning of music through Singing) and DALCROZE METHOD (learning of music through corporal movement).Both of the above mentioned are integrated to the SUZUKI METHOD pedagogical principles in all the activities carried out by children attending specific Workshops by specialized Professors. In this way the child takes in the piece repertoire which he learns to play on the instrument in diverse ways: through the listening of CD; through Singing (taking part in the SUZUKI PIANO SCHOOL CHOIR) and through Corporal Movement. This integral formation allows musical experiences to be complete and therefore leave a positive trace in the child’spersonality development.

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