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Inglés > The Suzuki Method

" Parents mission ends when their child has been educated to have a beautiful heart and marvellous abilities, with love for others and the happiness of having been loved "

" If a child speaks his own languange fluently, it is the signal that he has developed great mental abilities. In the same way, we must be confident that other capacities may be developed, according to the way in which the child is educated. "

" We all have a sprout of talent. To develop this sprout towards a marvellous ability shall depend on the way it was cultivated. "

" It is surprising how a baby responds to the environment round him since birth. It is really the environment which determines the person....childs destiny is in its parents hands; it is they who are responsible to create the environment for the child to develop. "

" After much experience I can state clearly that great talent is generally accompanied by a deep and beautiful heart. "


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